Channel: Screen Junkies
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: hasbrog.i. joe: retaliationg.i. joe: the rise of cobrachanning tatumg.i. joe reactionhonest trailer g.i. joehonest trailershonest trailerg.i. joehonest trailers g.i. joethe rockg.i. joe trailerdwayne johnsonbruce willisscreen junkiesscreenjunkies
Description: ►►Subscribe to ScreenJunkies!► ►►Is Air Bud the greatest athlete of all time? ► ►►Watch the Honest Trailers Commentary with the Writers!► Honest Trailers | G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra & Retaliation Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy Title Design: Robert Holtby Written by: Logan Rees, Spencer Gilbert, Danielle Radford, & Lon Harris Produced by: Spencer Gilbert Associate Producer: Ryan O'Toole Edited by: Kevin Williamsen Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand Post-Production Coordinator: Mikołaj Kossakowski Assistant Editor: Rebecca Castaneda Director of Video Production: Max Dionne Executive Producer: Roth Cornet #HonestTrailers